BMW Blue Dynamics Land Yacht

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BMW Blue Dynamics Land Yacht

Stefan Radev is the creator of BMW Blue Dynamics Land Yach. This concept is using the wind for propulsion and it has all aspects of a normal yacht except the tires and the futuristic design. The design is quite similar to Richard Jenkins’ Greenbird, another concept propelled by wind that set the record of 126.1 mph at 26 March 2009.

As you can see from the picture that represents the interior of this concept, there is a lever that elevates that widescreen so there is no door. The interior is quite simple, there is a speedometer wich goes up to 420 km/h, a wind direction dial, that cool chair and the previous mentioned lever.

Stefan Radev made this concept without sponsorship from BMW so i’s very impressive to see that this designer focused his attention to BMW while he was designing this concept. BMW Blue Dynamics Land Yacht exists at the moment only in virtual pictures but I can’t wait too see this concept built, maybe it will set a new world record, hopefully.

BMW Blue Dynamics Land YachtBMW Blue Dynamics Land YachtBMW Blue Dynamics Land Yacht


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