The 2011 BMW Alpina B7 xDrive to debut at the 2010 New York Auto Show

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As I previously told you earlier this day, now I’m going to tell you more about the BMW products that are going to be released at the 2010 New York Auto Show which as I said, it is going to happen between the April 2nd and 11th so there is few time left until then.

You should remember that the 2011 BMW Alpina B7 comes with a twin-turbocharged 4.4 liter V8 engine which is going to develop up to 500 horsepower and also a maximum torque of 516 lb-ft so there will be a lot of power happening under the hood of this big car.

I think that for most of you, here it comes the most said part namely that the prices for the 2011 BMW Alpina B7 with the standard wheelbase are starting from $122,875 while the prices for a the 2011 BMW Alpina B7 with the extended standard base are starting from $126,775.


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