New Spy Photos: BMW 5 Series
In the past time, there are way too many spy photos with the new BMW 5 Series. Just two days ago I posted another article with different shots of spy pictures. Probably BMW is testing this model way too much, but here comes the good part: if there is a small bug at this car, after these tests, I’m sure they’ll find it.
Comparing with the spy photos of BMW 5 Series from the last article, the cars are looking almost the same, probably they put the stickers in the same places. Below you can find another spy picture from some other shots made by other photographers so if you want to know how will look a BMW 5 Series, there are a lot of spy shots with it on the internet.
I read that this BMW 5 Series will be released next month so if you wait to buy such a car, you now have less time to wait for it.