How to Paint Your BMW Rims with Professional Results? (DIY)

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Do you want to give your existing BMW car a completely new look? If so, the easiest yet the most effective way will be to paint the rims. The best part is, you can manage this task yourself, putting a fair extent of time and effort. The money you save with DYI rim painting, probably will allow the chance to speculate at the top , wherein you can earn a handful of money, in the course of relishing the optimum excitement and enjoyment.

Collect the necessary materials

You will need materials like Wheel cleaner, rags, wire brush, a few pieces of sandpapers, in addition to Rubbing alcohol and steel wool. In addition, keep ready items like painters tape, covering plastics, spray paint, clear coat, and self-enticing premier.

Identify the spot on the rim to paint

Once you are ready with the necessary materials, you need to decide the right spot for painting the rim. You should opt for a place that feature good ventilation and is spared from running breeze.

Take the rim out of the car and clean the wheels

Painting the rim while it is still mounted on the car is not the right approach. It is for the reason that the spray will get stuck all across the body of the car. In addition, there are chances of getting drips, if you are not eliminating the rim out of the car, before you paint it. Likewise, you need to wash the wheels, before you start to paint. This will ensure that the paint spray evenly and never retains the dust and debris under the coating. You can simply use soap and water for cleaning the wheels. This will not take excess of time and effort to complete this step.

You need to eliminate the rust and paint chips

All rusts and paint chips on the rim should be eliminated, before you paint it. You can accomplish this task, . You need to use the sandpaper to clear the rusts from the rim. Once done, you should clean the rim with clear water and let it dry completely before the paint is applied. Remember, this step will demand that you pay the necessary attention to the detail.

Apply the coating with primer

Once, the steps discussed above have been rightly completed, comes the tile to apply the initial layer of primer. This will get the surface ready for the best adhesion of the paint. The use of self-etching primer is solicited as it offers the smoothest finish.

Start to paint the rim

Now, it is the time for the actual painting, and this should be done in a back and forth style applying the paint in an even manner. You should always maintain a safe distance between the eyes and painting surface, and escape the chances of over spray at all instances. Remember, you need to allow ample of time for each coat of the paint to dry up, before you apply the next layer on it.


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