E36 BMW M3 takes off during rally

An E36 BMW M3 takes off during rally

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Like a lot of other car makers out there, BMW has been in the business for quite a while now and can be considered to have a rich history.

Fortunately for the Bavarians, most of this history is a proud moment for the company and not many failures were recorded.

E36 BMW M3 takes off during rally
E36 BMW M3 takes off during rally

One interesting trait that can be attributed to Bimmers, and M3s in particular, is a nice racing pedigree. And not just any kind of racing, but rallying. As racing goes, rally racing is one of the toughest tests, both for driver and vehicle.

E36 BMW M3 takes off during rally
E36 BMW M3 takes off during rally

We came across some very interesting footage of an E36 BMW M3 in what seems to be a rally stage in Estonian woods. The interesting part about it is the fact that the M3 catches some serious air time, and the driver manages to stick the landing rather well. You just don’t get that in other kind of racing.


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