BMW C Evolution electric scooter

BMW C-Evolution electric scooter comes in May

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The German car maker has had a pretty good month in February, with sales on the rise across the range of products, bikes included.

BMW Motorrad said the second month in 2014 has presented itself with an overall increase in sales of 18,3%, with a total number of units delivered reaching 8.098.

BMW C Evolution electric scooter
BMW C Evolution electric scooter

With this ascending trend BMW has got going, they decided it is about time to introduce their first e-scooter, the C-Evlution. Release date for the new scooter is set in May, and BMW is quite optimistic about its evolution. Just like the i3 found its way among the more traditional 3 or 5 series, so will the C-Evolution among other bikes like the R1200GS.

And in a similar way to the i3, just because it is a bit late to the party, with a plethora of other electric bikes already on the market, doesn’t mean it will struggle. Actually BMW is sure their scooter will not just sell, but become a iconic model for the industry.


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