BMW M4 Coupe

BMW M4 Coupe (F82) Spotted in Germany Screaming with Power

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The German luxury car manufacturer is so proud to have the M4 Coupe (F82) in Alpine White messing around on the German streets, as it can be shown in the spotted video.

In fact, in case you own such a powerful car, you cannot hold it into the garage, but just show it off in some small German city, and let it be caught in the act by passer-byes, pulling their phone and recording the car. And the sound, the sound of the monstrous when hitting the throttle paddle, is amazing.

BMW M4 Coupe
BMW M4 Coupe

I am talking about a BMW geek caught in the act with his M4 Coupe in its homeland. People passing by, just started filming him exactly at the point when he was hitting the pedal to let that wonderful sound come out of the exhaust pipe.

BMW M4 Coupe
BMW M4 Coupe

Until now, there were just a few clips showing the new M4 Coupe and hearing its exhaust in some lower surrounding environment, with a lot of echo to ruin the experience.

BMW M4 Coupe
BMW M4 Coupe

This time, the M4 Coupe was caught out in the wild, even if it was for only 6 seconds. Enjoy the small experience that the M4 Coupe has got to offer!


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