F10 BMW M5

Want a cheap BMW M5?

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I’m serious. Do you want a cheap BMW M5? Don’t worry, it’s not one of the old ones that’s been run by the vikings several times around the world.

We’re talking about a brand new F10 BMW M5, one that comes with all the toys and so on yet it is on the market for a very small amount of money.

F10 BMW M5
F10 BMW M5

So how small would it be for a BMW M5 to qualify as cheap? In the case of the F10 it’s just €31.990 or roughly 40.000 USD.

That’s considerably less than the list price and even if you get some sort of insider’s discount you’ll still need to pay at least some 90.000 USD to get one.

The one for sale here even has some extra kit in it. Once again, there’s no issue about it having done several million miles.

Crashed F10 BMW M5
Crashed F10 BMW M5

Only 1500 miles appear on the odometer. It sounds like an incredible deal on a cheap BMW M5 but, much like anything else on the second market, a very low price means there’s a massive problem with it.

In this case, the problem is that while the engine and gearbox are fine, the rest of the car was massively damaged in the first F10 M5 crash on the Autobahn.

Too bad. A great car such as this deserves to be more than just a spare parts bin for cars like it that are still on the road.

Crashed F10 BMW M5
Crashed F10 BMW M5

Mind you, fixing it up isn’t possible since there is some considerable damage to the passenger safety cell and fixing it, if possible, would cost a whole lot more than a new car.

As seen on mobile


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mirza mobeen
mirza mobeen
12 years ago

damn !!

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